Welcome to the Wellington Walk HOA Website
The Wellington Walk Board is working to use this site as the main communication vehicle for neighborhood announcements, activities, newsletters and other information - we are working to keep this information up to date and current so check back often for important information and to stay informed.
Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve our community or the website? What information would you like to see here? We want to hear from you - please contact us at board@wellingtonwalkhoa.com with your thoughts!
Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve our community or the website? What information would you like to see here? We want to hear from you - please contact us at board@wellingtonwalkhoa.com with your thoughts!
2022 Wellington Walk HOA Board & Officers
Wellington Walk Board of Directors:
board@wellingtonwalkhoa.com Kaa Smith - President/Landscaping Carol Wiley - Vice President Glenda Smith - Treasurer Roger Ward - Secretary/Newsletter Thomas Wiley - ACC/Covenants/Welcome Thomas Wiley - Key Fobs/Tennis/Pool/Pavilion |
Architectural Control Committee (ACC):
Thomas Wiley, Board Liaison Roger Ward Jim Cline Tim Silva |

Good News!!!
Today you will be invited to our new Wellington Walk Homeowners portal. This homeowners portal will:
- Allow you to submit ACC requests online for a quicker approval process
- Manage your payments for annual dues, fees and fines online
- View any violations and submit violation resolution
- View any announcement for our community
- Allow communication to go out via email, mail and text messaging
- Organize and share unlimited documents such as by-laws, community financials, and meeting minutes
All of these features can be accessed from your laptop, tablet or mobile device. This portal improvement will reduce the frustrations we have heard around the late notices, key fob issues, and provide visibility to board members for all aspects of our community.
Covenant Violation Reminders:
Our Architectural Committee handles all covenant violations. It is one of the hardest and most important jobs on our HOA board. Their efforts are help keep our neighborhood looking great! Please be diligent in avoiding/correcting these most common covenant violations:
- Spring is here and weeds are loving the warm weather. Be sure to treat lawns with weed killer and pre-emergents for a healthy weed free lawn this season.
- Apply fresh mulch to all planting beds and remove all weeds. Gravel is not an acceptable mulch.
- All changes or additions to homes or landscaping must be submitted to the ACC for approval unless noted as an exemption in the covenants or design standards. Modidification form located on the WWHOA website under the ACC tab.
- Keep trash and recycling bins out of sight except for trash days.
- Trailers, commercial vehicles, boats and recreational vehicles are not permitted to be parked in driveways. Keep them out of sight in garages or at an alternate non-neighborhood location.
- Use driveways for parking...not the street!
- Do not post commercial signs anywhere on property.
- Reattach loose and missing shutters.
Our freshly resurfaced tennis courts are complete and ready to be played upon!
Be sure to get out and enjoy the lake trails! They have been graded & smoothed, and crushed slate has been installed.
More News can be found on the News & Events Page
Welcome New Neighbors !
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new neighbors ! We hope you enjoy our neighborhood. Be sure the HOA Board has your current contact information on file so that you do not miss out on important neighborhood communications. If you are a new neighbor and haven’t received a welcome packet, please contact board@wellingtonwalkhoa.com
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new neighbors ! We hope you enjoy our neighborhood. Be sure the HOA Board has your current contact information on file so that you do not miss out on important neighborhood communications. If you are a new neighbor and haven’t received a welcome packet, please contact board@wellingtonwalkhoa.com
Local Phone Numbers and websites of interest:
- Report suspicious activity in the neighborhood: Non-Emergency - Gwinnett County Police Department: 770-513-5700
- Call 911 in case of an Emergency
- Is a street light by your home out? Call Walton EMC at 770-972-2917.
- Grayson City website: www.cityofgrayson.org
- Local news & Events: loganville.patch.com
- Monitor local criminal activity/receive local alerts: Gwinnettmugs.com
- Gwinnett Animal Control : 770-339-3200
- Replacement Mailboxes: Addresses of Distinction 770-436-6198 ext. # 212
- Local Rezoning Info For Concerned Citizens: Keep Grayson Great
- Everyone is encouraged to phone and email our representatives on the Board of Commissioners and let them know your thoughts on rezoning proposals. We are in District 3.
- Chairman of the Board of Commissioners: Nicole.Hendrickson@gwinnettcounty.com
- District 3 County Commissioner: Jasper.Watkins@gwinnettcounty.com
- District 1 Commissioner: Kirkland.Carden@gwinnettcounty.com
- District 2 Commissioner: Ben.Ku@gwinnettcounty.com
- District 4 Commissioner: Marlene.Fosque@gwinnettcounty.com
- https://www.gwinnettcounty.com/.../aboutyourcommissioners